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26 Awesome Auction Basket Ideas & More
April 01, 2014

26 Awesome Auction Basket Ideas & More

Quick Links: 26 Awesome Auction Basket Ideas | New Additions To RFI | External Articles/Videos | Dad's Murder Trial


Are you ready for 26 awesome Auction Basket Ideas? Yes! Fantastic.

Before we do though I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has sent in such incredible messages of support in regards to my Dad's murder and his murderers' trail.

It's finally over and we've got the best result that we could get. Read my update on it down here.

Alright, let's get fundraising...

26 Awesome Silent Auction Basket Ideas:

Whether it's for an Auction, Silent Auction, or a Raffle, Gift Baskets are commonly used and a highly successful item!!!

But I understand that being creative and constantly coming up with themes for your baskets, and then filling them with items, can be at times difficult.

SO... I've therefore put together an awesome list of 26 ideas for auction baskets that you can steal and use. Plus on that page there's an additional list of 54 theme name ideas to help you when brainstorming.

Some of my favorites are...

  • The Wine Lovers Basket
  • Beach Bums
  • Golfing Galore
  • Spa At Home
  • Death by Chocolate
  • And the Bakers Basket

Read all the ideas here.

And be sure to leave any comments or your own basket ideas at the bottom of the page!

Other New Articles:

Hosting a Wine Tasting Fundraiser

This is a super fun fundraising event, where you'll raise funds with a few different methods. Learn how to fundraise, organize, host, and run this fantastic fundraiser!

A Wine Pull Raffle Fundraiser

A really simple raffle idea that will work with almost any fundraising event! It's simple enough to setup, is loads of fun, and will add some great funds to your bottom line.

External Articles/Videos:

Frank Barry gets 3 fundraising professionals to give advice on donor retention from a donor's perspective.

Penelope Burke gives a simple way to increase new donor gifts by 35-40%, in a Movie Monday's rerun!

The Dark Side of Monthly Giving is a phenomenal (and important) read from Pamela Grow. And on the subject of Monthly Giving, here's an upcoming webinar you don't want to miss out on: How to Start Your Monthly Giving Program - A Step-By-Step Guide.

Update on My Dad's Murder Trial:

Firstly... THANK YOU ALL. I've had such amazing messages of support from so many of my subscribers that it's truly been remarkable. And I am so grateful for that, so thanks!

The trial of my Father's Murder Accused is finally over, and we've had the best result we could get, under the circumstances. Both murderer's have been sentenced to Life Imprisonment, plus more.

Unfortunately it will not bring my Father back, but at least justice has been served!

The trial started on Friday the 14th March.

The main culprit, Siboniso Mtolo, who actually pulled the trigger, pleaded guilty. The second accused, Jabulani Ngobese, pleaded not guilty to all charges.

The trial was then separated and Ngobese's trial began the following Monday and ran until Thursday 27th March when his Judgment was made.

Mtolo's Sentencing...

On Thursday 20th March Mtolo was sentenced by Judge Isaac Madondo, to Life Imprisonment for Murder, and 15 years for Aggravated Robbery.

The Judge stated that the evidence showed that Mtolo was not remorseful for what he did, and only showed regret because of the fact that he was caught, and that he is "miles away from rehabilitation."

Ngobese's Judgement & Sentencing...

On Thursday 27th March, Ngobese received his judgment and was found guilty of three of the four counts he was charged with, after the count of unlawful possession of a firearm was withdrawn by the Prosecution.

He was found guilty of Murder, Attempted Murder (of my Brother), and Aggravated Robbery, and received sentencing of Life, 10 years, and 15 years respectively.

Admiration for my Family...

I have such admiration for my brother, Murray, who had to take the stand on 3 occasions, and for my mom, who also took to the stand once, for there absolute strength and courage through the whole ordeal.

They had to deal with ridiculous and hurtful questions during the cross examination, but remained strong and didn't waiver.

Thanks to Many...

There are so many people to thank.

Shaheen Suleiman, and his team at Magma Security, who spent hours upon hours investigating and tracking down the killers.

The South African Police Force, and in particular Sergeant Sibiya, for their work in helping Magma apprehend the two men.

Candy Kanda, the prosecuting attorney, who was absolutely brilliant and thorough in her work. A truly remarkable advocate with such a huge passion for justice!

Roelene Wiesner and Thobs, who were our Court Orientation Officers. These two ladies are two very special people and have made a significant impact on my family and the other witness's lives! The work that they do to help and prepare witnesses is absolutely incredible.

Roelene in particular made a huge difference to my mom, and has really helped us to get through this!

Scot Hosking, Mike McNeil, and Doreen Keel, who missed work and were there to support us almost every single day through the whole trial.

Pete and Sharon Hosking, Andrew Hall, and Narina Te Water who were also in and out constantly through the trail, and all those people who came in their multitudes for the sentencing.

Scot Hosking in particular has been a huge pillar of support for us over the last 6 months! And of course not to forget his wife Louise, and also Corrine Thompson, for looking after my nieces and nephews whilst we were in court!

And of course, everyone who has messaged, phoned, and sent words of support throughout the last 6 months!

I thank you all!

Newspaper Reports...

Although often inaccurate, here are some articles that covered the trial etc.

Thanks for being subscribed.

As always, have a great week!

So do you have any...

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks!

If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc.

Until next time. Happy Fundraising!

Rob Hampson

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