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Re: Raising $15,000 in 28 Hours September 15, 2015 |
Hi, I just had to share this article with you about a creative Crowdfunding project that raised $15,000 in 28 hours. It has now gone on to raise just short of $150,000 and is still going strong. The article, which is written by the fundraiser herself, is all about collecting 3,235 emails the 3 months before the campaign, and how that played a pivotal role in the campaign. It's a great article with some brilliant takeaways that you should use for your own Crowdfunding campaigns and fundraising drives. Namely...
Of course the fundraiser is for a creative project and not a charitable cause but the strategies are just as relevant. It was done through Kickstarter as well, which is a platform purely for creatives and startups. As a charitable cause you would use a platform like instead. Head over here to read the full article. Upcoming Fundraising Training Not to Miss:
What Am I Reading at The Moment?I thought I'd introduce a new section to the Fundraiser Buzz newsletter and let you know what books I'm reading at the moment. Obviously I'm not talking about Novels, but rather self-development, business, and of course, fundraising books. So here's what I'm reading at the moment... The Magic of Thinking Big - by David J. Schwartz, Ph.D. A book that I am thoroughly enjoying! And I'm re-reading Paige Robinson's excellent "250+ Fundraising Ideas for Your Charity, Society, School and PTA." Don't Forget To Read These Important Pages as Well:
And that's it for this week. Good luck with your fundraising. So do you have any...Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks! If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc. Until next time. Happy Fundraising! |
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