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WIN-WIN Fundraising Partnerships + Quick Update With Murder Trial
March 04, 2014

Fundraising with Businesses - WIN-WIN Partnerships

Quick Links: Fundraising with Businesses | Other New Additions To RFI | External Articles


Before we get into fundraising with businesses and as per requests by many of you, I'd like to quickly update you on my father's murder trial. Please feel free to skip this and get straight into the fundraising.

In November and December last year the two accused had their first court appearances, and where thankfully, denied bail.

The case was then scheduled to begin yesterday, but has not yet begun due to the accused not being assigned defending attorneys. They have apparently requested separate attorneys because it seems they are looking to lay the blame on each other for what happened.

We've been told that it definitely won't begin by tomorrow but are still waiting for an exact date.

Once again THANK YOU to everyone who has sent in such phenomenal messages of support over the last 5 months. Really appreciate it! Will keep you updated on any major progress with the case.

Cause Marketing - Fundraising with Businesses:

Cause Marketing is a fundraising term that is highly misunderstood. Most people seem to think that it is the marketing of a cause, which is of course wrong!

Cause Marketing is simply, "Fundraising with Businesses" - Not funding from businesses or corporate sponsorship, but actually fundraising with them. It's a partnership that has mutual benefit.

And it's a method of fundraising that holds some super potential - From multi-million dollar campaigns, to campaigns raising a few extra thousand dollars with a local business.

But it's also a method of fundraising that I have very little experience and knowledge on.

But thankfully for your sake...

I've been lucky enough to have Joe Waters, the grand master of Cause Marketing, step in to provide the required information for you to understand what this fantastic fundraising method is and to get you started with it.

Last week I posted his guest article, Cause Marketing - Fundraising's Most Misunderstood Term.

Joe explains clearly what Cause Marketing is and how you can fundraise with businesses. He gives some fantastic ideas and advice on how to get started, and how to find businesses to partner with.

I highly recommend you read his article and seriously consider adding this type of fundraising to your campaign.

I've also been reading his latest book on the subject, "Fundraising with Businesses: 40 New (and Improved!) Strategies for Nonprofits", and am absolutely loving it. Definitely find out more about it on Joe's blog.

Other New Articles:

Top 4 Internet Fundraising Ideas

The list of internet fundraising ideas keeps growing every year, but there is a lot of noise and nonsense that grows with it!

So to help you out... Here are the top 4 ideas that you can use online!

DoJiggy Fundraising Software

Whether you're planning a Fundraising Event, a Golf Day, a Pledge Drive, an Online Auction or Silent Auction, etc., DoJiggy has a fundraising software solution to help you manage your fundraiser and raise more from it.

This article highlights the different software solutions they provide and how those solutions can benfit your fundraising.

External Articles to Read:

Pamela Grow provides a fantastic post on the best thing your nonprofit can do to increase individual giving (but you need to start now!). It's important reading for all, as it a top method for Donor Retention.

Joanne Fritz has a great article on Top 10 Tips for World-Class Donor Relations.

And John Haydon pulls in an interesting read about Facebook AND Email – The Marketer's Chocolate Peanut-Butter Cup.

Thanks for being subscribed.

As always, have a great week!

So do you have any...

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks!

If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc.

Until next time. Happy Fundraising!

Rob Hampson

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