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Fundraiser Buzz! Weekly Report - 14 February 2012
February 14, 2012

Weekly Report

The Latest Fundraising Ideas, Tips and Techniques

Welcome Again...

The Fundraiser Buzz is dedicated to providing you with quality fundraising ideas, informative tips and techniques, the latest additions to Rewarding Fundraising Ideas, and much more!

This is the Weekly Report. The short update with new information and ideas between the monthly Fundraiser Buzz editions.

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Issue #001 - 14 February 2011

Have you set up a Fundraising Committee yet?

No! Well I'd suggest you do so. Splitting the workload between different members and having multiple perspectives will help make your fundraising campaigns far more effective.

So create that Committee...

The number of members you will need for your committee will obviously depend on the size of your group, what your fundraising needs are, and how many fundraisers you hold a year.

On a general basis though these are the committee members you will need...

  • Chairman/Chairwomen - Organizes meetings and overviews all fundraising tasks. Ensures everyone is appreciated properly.

  • Secretary - Takes down minutes for at meetings and takes care of all correspondence. Can sometimes cover for the accounting/financial role.

  • Publicity / Public Relations - Handles all promotions and public relations for your group and fundraisers.

  • Donations, Sponsorships & Grant Appeals - Will handle the requesting and acquiring of Sponsorships and Grants. Essentially will run all donation programs.

  • Accounting

  • Plus a few unique general roles that will be specific to your group or the fundraiser that you are holding.

Please remember to thank everyone before and after each meeting and when they have completed tasks etc. An appreciated committee is a happy committee... And a happy committee is an effective one.

Keep committee meetings short and to the point. Don't waste your members time. Also make sure that you have a planned agenda for each meeting but be open for suggestions during the meeting.

Try fit members with tasks that will suit their individual skills. That way you'll have happier and more effective committee members.

For other Fundraising Campaign Organization Tips read here...

Surprisingly I found some awesome advice on setting up and running a fundraising committee in the eBook "The Ultimate Guide to Planning a 5K Run or Walk Fundraiser". For your benefit I've used some of their tips here. Unfortunately this book is currently unavailable. I will let you know if it becomes available for download again.

Set Up A Supporters Wall Yet?

If you have a website this is a MUST USE fundraiser.

How it works is donors buy blocks/"bricks" on your "Supporters Wall App" on your website, which gives them exposure and raises you funds. You can customize the level of prices and also the duration of block ownership.

It's such a simple yet highly effective online fundraiser. Just make sure that you promote the wall effectively so that you sell all your bricks.

To set up your Supporter/Sponsor wall go to

For info on how to make this fundraising idea highly effective read the Brick Fundraising page.

And that's it for this week...

I really hope you have enjoyed reading the Fundraiser Buzz! weekly report, and I look forward to producing the next addition.

So do you have any...

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks!

If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc.

See you next week!

Rob Hampson

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