All the best and most profitable Internet Fundraising Ideas...

Internet Fundraising Ideas

When I tell people about internet fundraising and the huge amount of potential it holds, I sometimes receive totally disbelieving looks!

People just don't realize the amount of unbelievable fundraising possibilities the web holds!

But of course, like all fundraisers they do take effort to make successful!

But their profitability potential is truly exciting and is what makes them so rewarding...

These online fundraisers can be...

  • Simple to set up,
  • Are often free,
  • And are generally very profitable!
Top quality Internet Fundraising Ideas...

Exactly what you wanted to hear, right?!?

Let's get on with it...

A Quick Note: You'll find some top quality Online Fundraising Resources down below...

Plus the opportunity to add your own Internet Fundraising Ideas. If have an idea to share then please do!

Internet Fundraising Ideas:

To fundraise properly online, the first thing you will need is an organization or fundraising website....

OR some form of an online presence, like a (free) fundraising/donation page.

You will find that a few of the online fundraising ideas do not actually need a website to work... But it is a website that will open the door to all that amazing fundraising potential!

Find out how to design, build and market your website through the Organization and Fundraising Websites section.

If you want to setup a simple (yet highly effective) donation website for free, then take a look at here to get started.

Another excellent option to a fundraising website would be a Content Website! Definitely check out this Unique Fundraiser!


I would then suggest that you start nice and simple... Like setting up a method for people to donate online. That way when people read about your cause they will have an easy way of donating!

On that note a brilliant internet fundraising idea to hold would be the Online Donations Fundraiser through a Crowdfunding platform.

BUT please read the 10 Step Guide to running a successful Online Fundraising page, before you run your fundraiser on any platform.

This fundraiser has the potential to be your most successful fundraiser, so make sure you do it properly!

Then read through all these ideas and decide which ones will work best for you.

Online Fundraising Ideas:

Online Apparel Fundraising - Really Rewarding Fundraising

A really great tool you can use for all your fundraisers is a Fundraiser Thermometer. Check it out!

And read here for more info on creating your Fundraising Thermometer.

And please always remember, you may be a charity or a non-profit, but you must still think like a business... Maximize your profits. How? By decreasing expenses and increasing income...

So make sure you choose the best and most rewarding fundraising ideas for your cause. And then do them properly!

And read here for the best ideas on Promoting a Fundraiser!

Recommended Fundraising Resources:

Non Profit Software
A list of the most recommended Non Profit Software resources!

SSA Apparel Stores
For all organizations like Schools, Churches, Sports teams, Companies, and other Non-Profits, this is a resource that you should be using to fundraise with. It's free Online Apparel Fundraising.

DoJiggy Online Fundraising Management
Provides services like Online Donations (including recurring donations), event registrations, and most importantly a highly recommended Online Auction Program!

Recommended online donations fundraising platform. Setup your fundraiser today!

GA Fundraising
Provides a brilliant internet fundraising program and they are the fundraising company that I currently recommend. Grab their FREE info guide here.

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If you do I’d love to hear about it, and so would everyone else.

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Crowdraising Online with Front of the Class Not rated yet
Front of the Class is a nonprofit organization that offers a crowdfunding site to help local groups raise money for their educational charities & causes. …

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