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Fundraiser Buzz! Issue #017 - Setup Your Fundraising Website March 08, 2012 |
The Latest Fundraising Ideas, Tips and TechniquesWelcome Again... The Fundraiser Buzz! is dedicated to providing you with quality fundraising ideas, informative tips and techniques, the latest additions to Rewarding Fundraising Ideas, and much more! I am continuously coming up with new fundraising ideas, finding better ways of running different fundraisers, and looking for ways for you to improve your organization... So don't miss out! If you like this newsletter, please do a friend and me a big favour and "pay it forward" by emailing it to them. If a friend HAS forwarded this to you and you like what you read, then please subscribe by visiting Also, if you find this to be of use, please tell friends about rewarding- at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc. Fundraiser Buzz - Issue #017 - Setup Your Fundraising Website Table Of Contents:1.1. Rob's Report Bowling Fundraiser Set Up Your Fundraising Website 4. Featured Addition To No additions this month 5. New Additions to Rewarding-Fundraising- No additions this month No contributions this month. 7. Interesting External Articles: 7.1. Four Things Your Supporters Want - By Katya Andreson 1. Important Announcements:1.1. Rob's Report February has been an interesting month and I've found a few interesting resources. I also finished reading The Ultimate Guide to Planning a 5K Run or Walk Fundraiser and was very impressed. The title of 'Ultimate' sticks true to the book. I was then very disappointed to find that the book is now currently unavailable. I've contacted the authors to find out if, and when it will be available for download again, but haven't heard anything back yet. I will let you know as soon as I do. There are also some interesting articles that came to my attention that you'll find at the bottom, which I'd highly recommend you read! 1.2. Did you get your Movie Monday fundraising video yesterday? If not you better subscribe to the FREE Movie Monday non-profit tutorial videos. Every Monday you'll receive a video with a different fundraising professional teaching different fundraising techniques and non-profit management skills. This weeks video was on using Social Media to grow your donor base and engage your community. It featured fundraising professional Dave Sharp and has techniques that you can implement right now. Was not to be missed! Click here to return to the T.O.C. 2. Idea in the Spotlight:Bowling FundraiserA simple and fun event that will provide entertainment for your supporters, and funds for your cause. You will raise funds through team entry fees, a raffle or auction, fundraising Apparel sales, sponsors and advertising, and as always, donations! Organizing your event shouldn't be too hard, but you will need to find a venue, find teams of participants, get sponsors or advertisers, organize your additional fundraisers like your raffle, and of course remember to thank everyone involved! Make sure you have fun with this sports fundraiser, but don't lose sight of your fundraising goals. Read more about the Tenpin Bowling Fundraiser. Click here to return to the T.O.C. 3. Tips & Techniques:Setup Your Fundraising WebsiteI always highly recommend that all non-profit organizations or fundraising groups have, and use, a website! A fundraising or organization website provides so many benefits, from raising awareness, to keeping in touch with supporters, to fundraising. It's quite remarkable. Read more about why fundraising websites are so effective. Here are the things you'll need to do when setting your website up and making it effective... Firstly you'll need to get it built. If you intend to build the site yourself then SBI's Webhosting is what I'd recommend. If you need someone else to build it for you then I'd suggest you stick with the best (and affordable), Sitesell Services! Then you'll need to look into your design and make sure your site is appealing to the eye. An important factor, especially when it comes to the all important first impression! Whilst building your site and its pages, you'll need to Search Engine Optimize is correctly. This is the first step in marketing your website effectively, which is what you'll need to consider next... Marketing your Fundraising Website effectively will increase your supporter base and drive more people to your fundraisers, which will increase your donors and funds raised! You also need to make your Site Sticky to keep supporters coming back every week. After that it'll be setting up your Website's fundraisers and other Internet Fundraising Campaigns! Read all about fundraising websites here... Click here to return to the T.O.C. 4. Featured Addition To additions this month. Click here to return to the T.O.C. 5. New Additions to additions this month. Click here to return to the T.O.C. 6. Visitor Contributions:No contributions this month. If you have a fundraising idea, fundraising tip, success story, or fundraising flop that you would like to share, please go to the "your ideas page" to share your story. Any contributions are welcomed and appreciated. Click here to return to the T.O.C. 7. Interesting External Articles:Have you realised that your supporters have needs as well? Katya Andreson talks about 4 Things Your Supporters Want on her Non-Profit Marketing blog. It's a brilliant article. You can also grab her excellent Robin Hood Marketing for Non-Profits book here. I've been looking for some articles on growing your email list and Karen Zapp provides 18 ways to do this for Fundraising Cultivation. You'll find some great ideas, which then lead me to... An excellent innovation for connecting with your supporters online, through direct mail or through any offline communications. Really? Yes, and it's with a Barcode Hyperlink. Find out more about these QR bar codes. Click here to return to the T.O.C. And that's it for this month...I really hope you have enjoyed reading the Fundraiser Buzz! And I look forward to producing the next addition. So do you have any... Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks! If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc. See you next month! Rob Hampson |
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