Like all other sporting event fundraisers, the Bowling Fundraiser will raise funds through a few different fundraising streams....
For example through:
Entry fees, food and drink sales, a raffle, sponsors and advertising, fundraising product sales, Apparel sales, and of course donations!
But the best way will be through a Pledge Event! Also known as a Bowl-a-Thon.
Be organized and make it a fun, exciting event and you'll raise some great funds!
After all tenpin bowling is an extremely enjoyable sport and should be loads of fun for your supporters!
Just remember to be prepared to do some hard work. Like all events it will take work to make a bowling fundraiser successful!
Let's do it...
My first bit of advice for you would be to get organized and completely prepared way in advance of the actual day.
Also get as many people to help out as possible.
The more jobs you can hand out to others, the easier it'll be to run for you. You will of course need to check up on those volunteers to make sure that those jobs get done!
Before you can actual hold a bowling fundraiser you will need a venue for it.
This should not be hard to do at all.
You can either use an entire bowling venue or just a few lanes, depending on how big you plan your fundraiser to be. Find a Bowling club near you that will let you rent out their venue or a few of their alleys for an evening or afternoon.
But also try get them to rent it to you for FREE. Punt the fact that you are a fundraising cause and that your fundraiser will be good advertising/marketing for their venue!
The venue should also provide you with all the right equipment like balls etc. If not, you need to make sure that you have all the equipment needed.
Consult with the Bowling Alley that's hosting your event about what equipment you'll need.
The next thing you will need to do is to start filling your playing field. Consult once again with your venue hosts about what number of players their venue can hold in a day (Or afternoon or evening).
Also find out how many people they would recommend per team.
Then start finding players months and months in advance of your bowling fundraiser. You have to, have to fill your playing field if you want to make this fundraiser a success. So start early and have it fill with plenty of time to spare.
You don't want to be rushing around last minute trying to find more players!
Like I said in the intro you will use a few different ways of raising funds at your bowling fundraiser. And you obviously need to organize those fundraising ideas.
Depending on the venue you may not be able to use all these ideas and will need to consult with your host as to what they will allow you to do.
For example will they allow you to provide food and drinks as an extra fundraiser.
But like I said up above the best way of fundraising will be through a Pledge Bowling event. Also known as a Bowl-a-Thon...
A Bowl-a-Thon or pledge event is where you will get your participants to fundraise for you through pledges and crowdfunding.
They either get people to pledge a donation amount for every pin they knock over, or they solicit a single sponsorship amount from their supporters (family and friends, etc.).
The most recommended way would be to setup a Pledge Event Fundraising Site for your Bowl-athon.
Click here to find out about this brilliant service and to start up for FREE.
Or you could setup a single Crowdfunding page where all your participants get their supporters to donate on.
Or you can register your Nonprofit and encourage all your participants to setup their own dedicated fundraising pages, with you as the beneficiary.
I'd recommend you also provide some incentive prizes that rewards the participants who fundraise the most. This will create some extra motivation for them to find loads of pledges and sponsorships!
This is usually the most important part of any fundraiser.
The first bit of promoting you will need to do is to find teams. Contact bowling alleys in the area, and friends, family, members, supporters, and use the advertising methods down below.
You should also give your sponsors first choice to enter teams if they may want to take part.
It'll be a bit rude to have them sponsor the day and then have you turn around to them and say that you're sorry but they can't enter a team because there's no space!
Here are some ways of promoting your bowling fundraiser...
Finally you must always remember to thank everyone involved...
The players, the sponsors, the spectators, and the volunteers!
People who are thanked and appreciated are happy people. And people who are happy because of you and your Tenpin bowling fundraiser, will be ready and eager to join in or help out again next time.
So please make sure that you thank everyone effectively on the day and afterwards on your website, your Facebook page, and by contacting them directly.
Then head over to DoJiggy and setup your Bowling Event Website.
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