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250 Fundraising Ideas
May 14, 2013


I hope you had a fantastic April and that May is looking just as promising.

I'm currently reading a brilliant little fundraising ideas book called "250+ Fundraising Ideas" by Paige Robinson and so far I am super impressed. It is structured beautifully and has some really brilliant ideas.

I will be writing a review on it as soon as I am finished but just on what I've read so far, it is definitely a fundraising book that I would recommend! It's definitely a book to buy to get your creative juices flowing!

Let's get onto the articles...

New Ideas & Articles:

April saw a good few ideas and articles added to Rewarding Fundraising Ideas.

If you missed out on any of them, now is your chance to take a read and catch up...

Successful Fundraiser - What Makes One & A List Of The Most Successful Ideas:

Find out what makes a fundraiser or fundraising idea successful!

You will also find a list of the most successful fundraising ideas that any cause could use.

Fundraising Thermometer:

Thermometers are a great way of keeping track of your funds raised and broadcasting those figures to your supporters. It can also be used for publicity, encouragement for donating and a call to action!

Find out more on the article.

Cancer Fundraisers & Cancer Donations:

There are many great Cancer Causes and Charities to fundraise for, and whether you are fundraising for Cancer Research, Awareness, or Treatment you will be able to use the ideas from these two pages to raise great funds!

Relay for Life Fundraising Ideas:

Relay for Life events raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society and are held all over the world.

It's a great event and cause to take part in and you will need to do some fundraising for it! So here are some great ideas...

Car Raffles:

Raffles are one of my most favorite ideas and a Car Raffle can be superbly profitable!

Learn how to set it up and make profitable!

Non Profit Software:

Are you looking for Non Profit Software to help with your donor management, accounting, auctions and registrations, etc.?

Well on this article you will find a list of the most recommended and popular fundraising software providers and products (with reviews and suggestions)! Check it out...

Charity Auction Software:

A review of my most recommended Online Auction Software with info on features and benefits, plus some suggestions!

Candle Fundraising Ideas:

Eight out of ten houses in the World burn Candles which means that Candles are in perfect demand to be used as a fundraiser.

So use these Candle Fundraising Ideas to really make your Candle Fundraisers super profitable!

Online Charity Auctions - Setting Up:

Learn how to setup an Online Fundraising Auction.

It's one of the best and most profitable fundraising ideas you could use but it can be quite technical and daunting to get started with. It doesn't need to be... Find out how!

So do you have any...

Comments? Ideas? Feedback? I'd love to hear from you. Reply to this e-zine and let me know what you think. Thanks!

If you have found this to be of use, please tell friends about at Facebook and Twitter, or (if you have one) in your blog, or website, etc.

Until next time. Happy Fundraising!

Rob Hampson

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