Athletic School Fundraising Ideas

by Tina

Athletic Fundraising Ideas for your Youth! (Photo by Hector Alejandro / Flickr)

Athletic Fundraising Ideas for your Youth! (Photo by Hector Alejandro / Flickr)

Youth Athletic Fundraising:

There are many ways to for athletic departments to promote team spirit and fundraising at the same time.

  1. Do arm wrestling contests.
  2. Teacher vs student basketball game. Teacher vs student games can go a long way in any number of sports activites from baseball, volleyball, running, archery, and the list could go on and on.
  3. Bake off contest to see who makes the best and then sell the items made.
  4. Car washes.
  5. Do a special event like local celebrates vs teachers basketball game and sell tickets to the public. Get the kids to help advertise and tell family and friends. This could easily become an annual event.

Good luck!

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