Interviews With Professional Fundraisers & Non-Profits

Looking for insightful and interesting interviews with professional fundraisers and non-profit organizations?


This section of Rewarding Fundraising Ideas provides you with high quality interviews with experienced fundraising professionals.

Including the likes of superstar fundraisers like Pam Grow, Joe Garecht and Sarah Hewitt!

Fundraising professionals and other experienced fundraising campaigners hold a load of information that can be extremely beneficial to anyone wishing to fundraise, or anyone who is looking to better their non-profit organization...

Which means YOU!

So I will continuously be looking to find fundraising professionals, non-profit leaders, charity C.E.O.'s, and anybody with fundraising and charity experience to interview!

Insightful and Helpful Interviews with Professional Fundraisers!

Read through the interviews below...

Interviews with
Professional Fundraisers:

Joe DiDonato (23 April 2014) - Joe is the author of the exceptionally comprehensive Almanac of Fundraising Ideas eBook, and this interview with him provides some great insight and advice for successful fundraising events!

Interview with Pamela Grow (17 July 2013) - This interview with one of the most read and influential fundraising professionals has provided some awesome information on Writing Grant Proposals, Nonprofit Storytelling and more.

Sarah Hewitt (15th June 2011) - Sarah is an experienced professional in the Non-Profit fundraising sector in the UK and runs a fundraising consultancy in Warwickshire.

She provides some great info on Social Enterprises and '8 ways to fundraise'! It's a great read!

Joe Garecht (29th Jan 2011) - Joe started his fundraising career in politics before he moved to the Non-Profit sector. He now runs a Non-Profit organization in Philadelphia and a fantastic charity fundraising blog.

He provides in this interview some key elements to a successful fundraising campaign, insights into social media fundraising, and what considerations you should take when developing your campaign.

Cookbook Fundraising Interview With Susan From Heritage Cookbook (29th Nov 2010) - This interview with Susan from the Heritage Cookbook publishing company focuses on fundraising with organization/fundraising Cookbooks.

Sandy McDonald of Knit A Square (27th Sept 2010) - Sandy McDonald is the co-founder of Knit A Square and KasCare, two fantastic Non-Profit initiatives to support Orphans effected by HIV in Southern Africa.

This interview provides some brilliant insight into setting up a successful Non-Profit and also the setting up and running of a charity/fundraising website!

Any Suggestions?

Do you have any suggestions of professional fundraisers that I could interview, which would hold beneficial information for you?

If you do, then please fill out the form below with your suggestion and the reasons for your suggestion. I would appreciate any suggestion. Thanks...

Interview Suggestions

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