The best fundraising ideas come from people who have run
successful and profitable fundraisers!
The people with experience and success under their belt!
Which of course includes me and I will be sharing my best ideas below as well...
But now I also want to hear about your Fundraising Ideas... your ideas that have been profitable and rewarding... The Best ideas you have!!!
And so does everyone else!
So please share your best fundraising ideas and tips, and read what others have written about...
You can then also comment on other visitors ideas and have people comment on yours.
Let's all share our ideas and help build a helpful and sharing fundraising community!!!
So firstly, what are my best fundraising ideas...
Here they are...
And now for your ideas...
Below you will find the different sections to share your ideas in and to read other people's fundraising ideas.
If your idea or fundraising tip doesn't fit into any of these sections please enter it into the form lower down the page (click here to jump to it).
And let me thank you now in advance for sharing your Fundraising idea or tip. It is highly appreciated by myself and others.
Then please share then here...
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Toilet Paper Fundraiser Not rated yet
PaperFunds is a unique approach to product sale fundraising that is a direct response to the many overpriced, unhealthy, or unwanted fundraising products …
My Children Are Not Ready To Loose Their Mom Not rated yet
Rob's Advice: Just to clear things up... This website and the visitor contributions sections on it are not for the promotions of a person's need or cause …
Band Trip Non Candy Bar Fundraiser Not rated yet
Non Candy Bar Fundraiser: School Band trips might make more in donations if they sponsored a Cash donation in lieu of buying a product.
In fact, …
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