Fundraising Causes -
With Fundraising Ideas for Them

Are you looking for some fundraising causes to potentially fundraise for? OR are you fundraising for a cause and looking for some ideas for it?

Well on this page you'll find plenty for both!!!

There are many, many different needs to fundraise for and each idea that is mentioned on this site should be customized for each specific need.

The pages below will show you what fundraising ideas will best suit each of those and will often have tips on how to customize for that need.

I would suggest that you fundraise for something that you have some sort of a link to, as it will provide that extra motivation to succeed.

For example, if you know someone with Cancer or if you lost someone to Cancer, then you could look to take part in the Relay for Life, and fundraise for it!

Great Fundraising Causes like Breast Cancer Research or Relay for Life! (Photo by Robert Neff / Flickr)

Just remember though to be thorough with your fundraising strategies and execution. No matter what the fundraiser, or the need.

Let's look at these different fundraising causes...

Fundraising Causes (with Ideas):

Relay for Life Fundraising Ideas
Relay for Life are global events that raise awareness and funds for the American Cancer Society.

It's a great cause to get involved with and support. You'll find some brilliant ideas to fundraise for it on the page.

Cancer Fundraisers
There are many different Cancer Causes out there and this page provides some of the best ideas available for Cancer Fundraisers!

Breast Cancer Ideas
Whether you're fundraising for Breast Cancer research or Treatment, you'll find some fantastic ideas here.

Also read...

Cancer Donations - The different options and methods for fundraising for Cancer through donations.

Charity Fundraising
This is a general ideas page for all types of charities and will provide some good guidance on what fundraisers to get started with.

If you're an individual fundraising for a charity you may want to check out the Fundraisers for Individuals page.

Personal Causes
There are loads of different reasons that you may have a personal fundraising need...

Loss of income, tragedy in the family, a volunteer trip to Africa, treatment for a dreaded disease, the list goes on and on. There are loads of ideas you can use so check them out...

But the most recommended idea for personal campaigns is the Online Donations Fundraiser. Also known as Crowdfunding, or Social Media Fundraising!

Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas
Cub Scouts are section of the worldwide Scouting movement. This page provides the best fundraising ideas for Cub Scouts!

Cheer Groups
Your Cheerleader group will often need funds. For new outfits, or for that competition trip, etc. So look through this comprehensive list of the best Cheerleader Fundraiser Ideas.

Your Church will also always have a need to fundraise. Check into these ideas to really boost your Church Fundraising Campaign. You'll also find some great ideas for the youth.

Schools have one of the best fundraising tools any group could have... Their Kids! So when using any of these School Fundraising Ideas you should make sure that you use your students effectively.

A must use fundraising idea for all schools in the USA is the Online Apparel Fundraiser.

Some other School Fundraising groups and ideas are...

Baseball Teams & Groups
If your Baseball team needs some fundraiser ideas you definitely want to check out this page.

Got a Great Cause People
Can Fundraise For?

Share it here then! Let us know...

  1. The cause. What it is and why it's a great cause to support?
  2. The fundraising ideas for that cause. What are the best ideas for that cause and why?

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