Successful Fundraising Ideas
& Your Success Stories

This website is all about rewarding and successful fundraising ideas...

Successful ideas for the internet, Event ideas like Golf day Fundraisers, and the likes of Apparel and Card Fundraisers -

Plus many, many more!

But, there are two focuses to this page...

  1. To point out 5 of the most successful ideas that you can use. (Plus some more on Successful Fundraisers)
  2. And to let you share all of your fundraising success stories... And to gain some inspiration from other fundraisers success stories.

Successful Fundraising Ideas & Your Success Stories. (Photo by Kiran Foster / Flickr)

Essentially this page is a place where you can boast about all your fundraising success stories, letting people know how well those fundraisers worked for you...

But it's more than that; it's a place to find inspiration from reading about other people’s success stories.

Often than not, you can find yourself struggling to believe that you can actually hold a successful fundraiser... or that you can hold a fundraiser at all (especially when you are in the middle of planning one).

But when you read through other people's successes it will help convince you that holding a rewarding fundraiser is actually doable! It will provide the inspiration needed!

But let's first look at some ideas...

5 Successful Fundraising Ideas:

Here are 5 highly successful ideas that any fundraising cause can and should use...

1. Crowdfunding / Online Donation Campaign:

On a general recommendation level, this is my most recommended fundraising method. It's simple, free to setup and has huge potential.

Read all three of the Online Donation Fundraising pages to ensure that you run this as effectively as possible.

And setup your Crowdfunding Campaign here for FREE.

2. Golf Day/Tournament:

Most sporting events will be successful if run properly... But in general Golf Days are definitely one of the most successful sporting ideas that can be used for fundraising.

There is of course a lot to organize, but there is also a huge potential of funds to be raised. Read the Golf Fundraising Ideas page to learn more!

3. Auctions:

An auction can be run as a live auction, an online auctions, an online to live auction, or as a silent auction, etc.!

It has so many possibilities and is definitely one of the most successful fundraising ideas being used across the world right now. It can also be used in conjuction with almost any other fundraising event!

My suggestion would be to run an Online Auction either on it's own or in conjunction to an Live/Silent Auction. Learn more on setting up an Online Charity Auction here.

For info on all Auctions read here.

4. Apparel Fundraising:

Whether it's an entire Apparel Store or just a T-Shirt fundraiser, Apparel Fundraising is one of the best fundraising ideas that will also raise awareness for your cause.

It's one of my all time most recommended fundraisers.

Read here about Apparel Fundraising... And here for Online Apparel Fundraising (Highly Recommended).

5. Raffles:

Just like an Auction, Raffles can be used as part of another fundraising event or can be used purely on their own...

And as long as the prizes are really great and you sell effectively, a raffle will always be successful.

Read here for some awesome Raffle Ideas.

For info on what makes a successful fundraiser and for more successful fundraising ideas read here.

Let's now hear about your success stories...

So What's Your Fundraising Success Story?

To share your success story all you need to do is full out the form below...

Add a title, tell us your story, add a photo if you would like, and then hit the submit button. Nice and easy!

(You will find other visitor's contributions listed below the form... Including one of my own personal success stories!)

Fundraising Success Stories:

Click below to see Success Stories from other visitors to this page...

Holiday Ornament Fundraising Success Not rated yet
Success with Holiday Fundraising Ornaments This is our second year using Stocking Factory for our holiday ornament fundraiser. Again, they have provided …

Habitat for Humanity - Dywall Stilt Walk Not rated yet
Here is a crazy fundraiser I organized while working for Habitat for Humanity International in the mid 1990's in Hungary. Our National Director walked …

Kindy Art Auction Not rated yet
Every year our country town hosts an Art Auction to raise money for the local Kindergarten. The art is donated by local artists. The artwork includes; …

Theatre Evening Success Not rated yet
As part of my fundraising campaign to attend Film School I held quite a few different fundraisers. One of them was a theatre evening... And it was …

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