Fundraising Auctions:
Ideas, Resources & Top Tips

For many years now, fundraising auctions have been super successful for charities, nonprofits and other causes!

Whether it's been live auctions, silent auctions, fund a need auctions, or online auctions - they have proven a successful fundraising idea!

So how do you get started?

Your first step will be to decide what type of auction to hold.

AND... If you decide on doing a live physical auction, you will also need to decide whether you'll add an online auction to it.

Live silent auctions benefit greatly by having a pre-event, online auction, where items can be promoting and the bidding can start.

Top quality Auction fundraising ideas, tips and resources! (Photo by LassenNPS / Flickr)

Whatever the case is...

Think carefully about what will be the best and most rewarding auction to run, for your cause, organization, or event!

Then you'll need to carefully plan and execute you Fundraising Auctions. You'll find advice on how to do this on each of the Auction Fundraising idea pages below.

Also Find Info from an Auction Pro...

You'll also see references to information from Sherry Truhlar. Sherry is one of the most read and admired Fundraising Auction Gurus around, and I absolutely love her articles and advice.

She has some truly remarkable content and resources. I highly recommend you read her information and take her advice where possible.

For Auction Ideas from visitors and to contribute your own ideas look here...

Charity Fundraising Auctions:

Online Auction Fundraiser
There are loads of benefits to an Online Auction, but like any other Auction it takes just as much work and organizing to make successful!

Setting Up Your Online Fundraising Auctions

Easy First Auctions
Some fantastic training material from Sherry Truhlar on how to setup and run your first auction successfully without volunteer burnout.

Live Charity Auction
A live auction can be just as lucrative as an online auction. You'll just be limited geographically and to only people who can actually attend the auction!

Marketing Savvy Behind Outrageously Profitable Silent Nonprofit Auctions

Auction fundraising ideas: With top tips, advice and resources.(Photo by Tulane Public Relations / Flickr)

Silent Auctions
A silent auction fundraiser is one of the best and most effective auction ideas. And it can be effectively complimented by an Online Auction. I highly recommend it as one of your first auction fundraising endeavors.

Charity Car Auctions
A high end fundraiser that can be exceptionally profitable!

The Chinese Auction
A Chinese Auction is pretty much a silent auction and a raffle, mixed into one...

Silent Auction Basket Ideas
A detailed list of 26 AWESOME auction basket ideas! Plus with an additional 52 name ideas for your brainstorming.

Auction Item Ideas
Looking for original, exciting, and easy-to-replicate item ideas for your auction? Then definitely check this out from Sherry.

Auction Fundraising Ideas - Themes And Seasons
For some great themes for your auctions this is the page to read. Be creative and have fun!

Auction Activities, Games & Raffles
Host auctions that bubble with fun, engage your guests, and raise magic funds through successfully tested activities.

Recommended Resources:

Cool Gadgets
For some seriously awesome auction item ideas check out these cool gadgets for the home, for the kitchen, and for camping, etc.

Online Charity Auction Software
A review of the best and most recommended auction software!

MyEvent Fundraising Software - Auction Management
A comprehensive online auction fundraising platform that will simplify the management of your auction. You should definitely find out more and try out their FREE trial!

Benefit Auction Webinars & Recorded Videos
Sherry Truhlar's video training is one of the most sought after auction resources on the web.

Fundraiser Buzz Newsletter:

Get the latest and best fundraising ideas, tips and resources... straight to your inbox. Plus receive 2 awesome fundraising guides for FREE!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Themed Basket Auctions  Not rated yet
Every year our high school's band has a themed basket auction. Each section puts together a basket full of donated items and then auctions them off. …

Auction Fundraiser Not rated yet
My sons local junior football team held a charity auction night. They asked county teams to donate prizes and received season tickets, singed footballs, …

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