Food fundraisers have always been a huge part of fundraising worldwide...
And let’s face it... People have to eat!!! So there will always be a demand for it!
And where there's a demand for something, you can raise funds with it...
So why not use this demand to raise funds for your cause?
The great thing about these fundraising ideas is that you can include them in all of your events, or you can have a totally separate and solitary fundraiser...
Like having a tasting evening!
But obviously you want to make sure that these fundraisers will be as profitable and rewarding as possible...
So read the "running food fundraisers" page and learn how to use these tips and ideas below for choosing the right ideas and running them rewardingly...
Once you've read this page you will have a better idea of how to run a really profitable food fundraiser.
So are you now hungry for some ideas? Let's get started...
Side Note: Do you have any profitable food fundraising ideas or tips? Then please click here to share your idea and "Pay It Forward" to our fundraising community!
Before looking through any of these food fundraising ideas please take note that you can hold a fundraiser with any type of food. That's right, any food... as long as it is popular.
So be creative and look around you. What do your friends, family and supporters eat... what food do they love? Ask yourself these questions and then follow the guidelines above.
Also grab this FREE fundraising info guide to see what food products are currently popular and profitable!
Here are some food fundraising ideas to consider...
All these Food fundraising ideas are pretty simple to run and can be really profitable...
But just make sure you use the ones that will be popular amongst your members and supporters!
And read here for some great ideas on promoting your food fundraising ideas!
GA Fundraising
Supplier of quality food fundraising products like Cookie Dough, Popcorn, and Lollipops in America and Canada.
You can grab their FREE info guide here.
Easy Fundraising Ideas
Another fundraising product supplier in the USA.
Write a Cookbook and Cookbook Secrets
Two eBooks that will help you with your Cookbook Fundraiser!
Get the latest and best fundraising ideas, tips and resources... straight to your inbox. Plus receive 2 awesome fundraising guides for FREE!
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Bake Sale Fundraiser Not rated yet
Fundraising with a Bake Sale: In primary school, high school and college, a bake sale fundraiser has always been an important fundraising initiative. …
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