Kiss The Pig Contest!

by Roy Gerle
(Tacoma, Wa.)

Kiss the Pig Contest! (Photo by Peter Pearson /

Kiss the Pig Contest! (Photo by Peter Pearson /

We had this Kiss the Pig Contest at our college in 1980. I then put this on in 1987 for the Fraternal Order of Eagles in our hometown. I also did another one for a TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)chapter in our hometown.

Here's how you do it:

4 months before the event, you start talking about it to get the crowd revved up: have pictures of the pig around your club!

3 months before have a BIG glass pickle jar somewhere prominent with each Officers name on the glass jars. People at that time are putting money in these jars. Have a big dinner planned for this night!

The person with the most money in their jar gets the privilege of Kissing The Pig.

Make this the biggest event of the year. Make sure you get a lot of publicity for it! Have the kids go out and solicit donations for the Officer that they want to see Kiss the Pig.

After the person has kissed the pig then charge anyone else to come up and Kiss the Pig Also!

You can also do this city wide with Dentists or any occupation going against each other! Think outside the box. It's a really fun event!

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Aug 30, 2013
Great Idea!
by: Rob Hampson

Hey Roy,

I really like this idea and it's actually already featured on the Fun Fundraising Ideas page -

Thanks so much for posting it in greater detail though!


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