2 Sample Church Fundraising Letters

I've got two sample Church fundraising letters for you down below... All for the cause of helping you write your own Church fundraising appeals.

The first letter is a straight forward sample.

While the second letter is an example and description of the structure you should follow when writing your Church Fundraiser letters.

But before revealing the Sample fundraising letters, here's a critical piece of advice:

Use Your Own Voice...

If you want to have a successful fundraising letter campaign, then the letters need to be completely personal. You need to speak to your readers... In your own words!

So use these 2 sample church fundraising letters as guidelines (only). And to prompt ideas for your own appeals.

Good luck with your Church Fundraising and I hope the template letters help your campaign.

Want the Sample Donation Letter Swipe File? (It has all the sample letters from Rewarding Fundraising Ideas!) ... Then Click Here!

Sample Church Fundraising Letters... (Photo by Ryan Hyde / Flickr)

The Letters...

These sample church fundraising letters have been shortened to a more suitable length for use as an example.

You don't need the whole letter, only the just of it to understand what you need to do to write a successful fundraising letter! Names have also been changed for obvious reasons!

And please note that actual figures were taken out of the first letter as per request of the original writer.

BUT you do need to ask for specific amounts (or items) as it will clarify the purpose of the letter and will allow your supporters to act.

So Before We Start...

I just want to make sure you understand something that I have already pointed out...

That these sample letters are exactly what they say they are... Samples!

They are examples and not letters to be copied directly, with a few word changes, and then used for your own fundraising campaign.

And no, that's not a copyright disclaimer, its good advice!

Let's take a look...

Please also read the Fundraiser Letter Writing Tips page for more advice on writing fundraising letters.

For books on Writing Fundraising Letters look here.

I'd particularly recommend How To Write Successful Fundraising Letters, Writing Grant Proposals, and Donation Fundraising Letters.

2 Sample Church Fundraising Letters

Sample Church Fundraising letter #1:

Click Here to download these 2 Sample Letters (plus all the others on Rewarding Fundraising Ideas)!

Derrick Holmes
Holmes International Inc.
Unit 4, Elessdale Business Park
Stainton, 5650
15 January 2009

Request For Funding And/Or Building Material

Dear Mr. Holmes,

I was at a highest of highs a couple of Sundays ago, as I sat on the lawn with our Sunday school youth group, teaching and preaching about God's grace. The kids were all full of interest, laughter and singing. It made me feel so proud of what we had achieved so far at our small Baptist church here in Stainton.

AND then the rain came down... And I realized how much we really needed to add onto our small building to accommodate for our ever growing number of youth members!

And this is the reason why I am writing to you now, to request your help, with either a donation of funds or a donation of building material, towards the extending of our Church building. For the past two years now we have placed great emphasis on attracting and building our number of youth members, as we believe that that the youth in any church is of extreme importance! I'm sure you know of how important the youth is to any community... They are the future after all.

This development has been a great success and our youth group has slowly grown to a number that we can now be proud of! But unfortunately, it has also grown to a size that we cannot accommodate for anymore in our small Church Building. So the time has now come for us to do some developments and extend the building.

But we can obviously not do this without the help of outside funding. So please would you be able to help us by sponsoring a section of the building extension or by donating some of the building material needed for it!

The cost to build this extension is going to be (amount), and to raise these funds we have broken the structure up into five different sections of which we are looking for sponsorships for each! Each section is going to cost (amount for section) and as a reward for sponsoring the section you will receive a plaque placed in the building entrance.

All sponsors will also receive free advertising on our website and in our newsletters.

By sponsoring and helping us build this extension you will be helping the kids in such a big way! Being a Christian yourself, I am sure you will understand the importance of giving our children a good grounding in our beliefs about Christ and the Lord, and this is what our Church's main goal is! We want to teach the children in the best way possible and help them to develop into strong and honest Christian adults.

With this new extension we will be able to provide for these kids in a much better way. There will be no more interruptions or cancellations due to weather, the cold during winter will be less of an issue, and quite simply an indoors building with seats and proper facilities will just mean so much for the children, they will feel so much more wanted!

As Sally Galtrea, a 12 year girl from our youth, says, "Sunday school is something which I can't wait for each week. I get to see all my friends, laugh, play and learn about Jesus! The stories that are told are so exciting and I love learning about Jesus and all the things he did. He is my Superhero! But then there are some days when the weather is ugly and our Sunday school gets cancelled... Those are my boring Sundays."

So by helping us build on to our Church you will be providing a huge service to all the children, like Sally, at our Sunday school. Please either sponsor a section of our building or donate building material towards it.

If you would like to sponsor then please contact myself, Gary Redman, on (Phone number), or via email at [email protected] . We have plans to start construction on the 04 May, so please could you RSVP by the 20 April as there will still be much planning to be done!

I thank you for the time you have taken to read this letter.

Yours sincerely, Gary Redman

P.S. Please remember that by helping us build this extension to our Church, you will not only be doing a big favour towards our Youth Group, but will also be helping the entire Church, its organization and members.

This is because the extension will also be used for many other things, other than Sunday school, like all meetings, band practices, fundraising events and much more. So please help us out!

Want the Sample Donation Letter Swipe File? (It has all the sample letters from Rewarding Fundraising Ideas!) ... Then Click Here!

2 Sample Church Fundraising Letters

Sample Church Fundraising letter #2:

Company (If applicable)
City, State/Province, Zip

Headline (Reason For Letter; Always underlined)

Dear Mr. /Mrs. (Contact)

1. Introduction and setting of dramatical opening scene. This is the part of the letter where you want to grab your readers' attention. Pull them in and make them feel a part of your organization and the needs you provide for and the needs you have yourself! For example...

"My name is Stephen Harte and I am a minister at the Carpmen Methodist Church. The past few weeks have been magical for all of us here at Carpmen Methodist! We have been travelling all round the city delivering clothing, blanketing and food to the needy and underprivileged! But it is unfortunately not enough!

Last week Wednesday we delivered blankets and clothing to the pickmore slums and were shocked to find out how many of the children there are living on the streets. We walked around handing out blankets and chatting to the kids. It was shocking! Some of the kids told us that they are lucky if they receive one meal a day... and we could see the truth in that by their obviously undernourished bodies!"

2. The next part of the letter you will state your need and ask your readers to participate by helping you with a donation or whatever it is you require. Be direct about figures and requirements.

3. Now you should go on to describe your church, the benefits it provides, and what charitable projects it is involved in! Make your reader feel confident in your Churches ability to make a difference.

Also remember that these sample Church fundraising letters are only guidelines and you should bulk up or subtract the amount of information on your Church, to an amount that will best reflect your own personal Church and its capabilities.

4. You will then come towards the end of your letter by adding another couple of dramatic scenes or quotes from people involved and/or benefiting from your Church.

5. Conclude your letter by asking for your readers' participation and help, and then thank him.

Yours sincerely, Your Name (Stephen Harte)

P.S. And finally add a postscript where you inform your reader about your need again and ask him for help. Many of your readers won't read your whole fundraiser letter but almost all of them will read the postscript. So use it as a tool to catch their attention and call them to action!

Ending Off:

Firstly, don't forget to download the Sample Donation Letter swipe file! It contains every sample letter on Rewarding Fundraising Ideas!

And then...

Remember to use these sample Church fundraising letters as guidelines and to personalize your letter as much as possible.

Put all your passion into your letters and show your reader how dedicated you are to your Church and its projects!

I hope that these sample Church fundraising letters will be really helpful and beneficial to your fundraising letter campaign!

For more sample fundraising letters get Pamela Grow's eBook "Writing Grant Proposals". It comes with a free toolkit that is loaded with successful sample fundraiser letters!

Not to mention that she has some fantastic insight into how to write successful grant proposal letters!

And for more books on writing fundraising letters look here.

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