Bake Sale Fundraiser

by Laurent

Bake Sale Fundraising Idea by Laurent (Photo by Tom Nguyen / Flickr):

Bake Sale Fundraising Idea by Laurent (Photo by Tom Nguyen / Flickr):

Fundraising with a Bake Sale:

In primary school, high school and college, a bake sale fundraiser has always been an important fundraising initiative.

Each bake sale could generate a few hundred dollars for any charity.

At college, I was the executive for the Montreal Neurological Institute and our first bake sale generated about 330 dollars for research.

Bake sales can always be easily organized and can be successful as long as you have at least 10 participants.

It is important to also choose a good time for a bake sale fundraiser, make it last long and to obey guidelines depending on where it is taking place.

In any case, avoid foods that could cause allergies (peanuts especially) and always try to bring healthy foods as much as possible (especially if its for kids).

Generally good items for a bake sale include:

  • Muffins
  • Donuts
  • Cupcakes
  • Brownies
  • Cookies
  • Pizza
  • Anything homemade such as banana bread
Again, make sure these items are allowed by the institution.

For example, some cafeterias in high school or college will not allow you to bring pizza if they are selling them as well.

Rob's Note:

I'd recommend you grab this free fundraising Product guide to see what products you could use or add to your bake sale.

For example Cookie Dough for your Cookies.

You could also look to add a raffle to your Bake Sale Fundraiser, and/or sell your Fundraising Cookbooks there.

And as always with any fundraising event I recommend you grab the Instant Event Fundraising System to make sure that you get the most from your events!

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