This is part two of the three part writing tips for fundraiser letters.
Below you will find an index to use to quick jump to each tip in all the sections for writing effective letters.
And remember, writing an excellent letter is often a really important part of a successful fundraising campaign!
So take your letter writing serious and use these tips and advice to write really compelling fundraising letters.
You'll also find that these tips will help you with your Online Donations elevator pitch!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Want Sample Donation Letters to help you write your appeals?! ... Then click here to get the sample letter swipe file!
It has every sample letter on Rewarding Fundraising Ideas.
All great fundraiser letters are exciting because they take their readers to the action of the cause.
They place you in the world that they are trying to make a better place, in the lives of people who they are trying to help!
They set the scene!
By setting a scene you are taking your readers to a place that they will probably never go, you make the read exciting for them and most importantly you pull directly on their emotions.
You make them
feel emotionally involved - and someone who is emotional involved will
be more likely to take some form of action about it!
"We were frozen with shock, amazement, and fear all at the same time...
It had been a long and hard journey through Sudan, and at the end of it we were met by the frail, gaunt and starving bodies of children, teenagers, and adults all rushing towards us. Protruding rib cages and depressed stomachs. Legs as frail and thin as match sticks. It was the most shocking sight we had ever seen.
But with this sight came their smiles, their laughter, their cries of joy, and their warm embraces. Tears were shed on all our shoulders as we were hugged and thanked by many different people.
And suddenly, we all realized how much what we were doing, meant to all these people!"
Click Here to get more sample letters like the above extract!
The rule of thumb here, is to appeal to your readers hearts first (setting the scene and drawing them in emotionally), and then appeal to their heads (by giving facts and figures).
So here is the simple structure that I think you should follow...
And don't forget to also thank them and include a PS.
Most advice that you'll read and receive will be to make your fundraising letters long. There are a couple of reasons for this...
Make sure that your letter includes all the necessary information, details, figures and stories to be conclusive enough to impress every reader.
Make sure your readers will feel completely informed once they've finished reading.
By waffling on unnecessarily you will only be wasting your own time and you may be putting yourself in danger of losing your passionate readers who do read every word!
Waffling unnecessarily will not impress them!
Want Sample Donation Letters to help you write your appeals?! ... Then click here to get the sample letter swipe file!
It has every sample letter on Rewarding Fundraising Ideas.
Writing Effective Grant Proposals by Pamela Grow - This is one of my most recommended fundraising books. If you are using a strong fundraiser letter or foundation grant campaign then this book is a must read.
Other books you should read are...
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Fundraiser Letter Writing Tips Part 1
Fundraising Letter Writing Tips Part 3
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