The super fun Flamingo Fundraiser. Find out how! (Photo by Nick Gray / Flickr)

Flamingo Fundraiser - A Fun Fundraising Idea

The Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser is such a fun and funny fundraising idea that you will just absolutely love it.

What you will need is a "flock" of Flamingoes which are made out of plastic and have steel legs.

About 20 is a good number. Read below to find out about buying a flock.

You and your fundraising team will also need to do a bit of espionage work, but that's all part of the fun!!!

Once you have acquired your flock you can use them in a couple different ways to raise funds...

Flocking Flamingo Fundraiser:

The first way is to place the flock in someone's yard without them knowing.

This is the espionage part!

That person can then have them removed for a set fee or have them placed in someone else's yard for a slightly higher fee...

Say $5 to have them removed and $10 to have them placed in another yard!

You will need to leave a note on the flamingo closest to the house or yard door with an explanation for the birds.

Have your organizations name on it, a number for the person to contact for the birds removal, and the name of the person responsible for the flamingos landing in that yard (if applicable)!

Always be ready to remove the birds for free if you happen to land them in a yard with a boring person who doesn't want to take part!

The Flamingo Fundraiser is such a fun fundraising idea and is perfect for organizations with Youth Groups. Learn how... (Photo by Ryan Hyde / Flickr)

If you get this flamingo fundraiser right you can raise a lot of easy and profitable funds. If people get in on the fun, you will have your flamingos out every day and night raising you those much needed dollars!

Remember to create some buzz around the Flamingo fundraiser on your website and social media sites as well.

Fun Fundraiser Variation:

A slight variation of this funny fundraiser idea is to hire the Flamingos out.

People can hire them out and have them placed in someone's garden for as long as they want. You will charge a daily rental fee!

This way can work quite well but you will need to have willing participants.

You may find that people will be interested in this variation once you've had the flock moving around for a while.

Acquiring The Flamingo Flock:

There are a few different ways that you can buy your flock and you will probably be able to find some in a local store.

Try find the best deal!

Amazon is a good bet and they have some really good prices.

Or you can also do a simple Google search below to find a flamingo supplier...

Other Funny Fundraiser Ideas:

Funny Fundraising Ideas

Fun Fundraising Ideas

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