The Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser

The Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser. (Photo by Kaakati / Flickr)

A Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser is essentially a sales driven food fundraising product.

It's also a type of fundraising product that has a special quality to it... And that is, that it is an ANYWAY product.

What I mean by that is that people buy coffee anyway, regardless of whether you are fundraising with it or not.

So then why wouldn't people want to support you by buying your Gourmet coffee if they are going to be buying coffee ANYWAY?!?

Get the Point?

And There Is More...

The uniqueness that this fundraiser brings to the table though, is that it will be Gourmet Coffee that people will be purchasing.

Therefore making it SPECIAL as well!

Another benefit of this fundraiser is that if you use the right coffee supplier or fundraising company you can hold this as a brochure fundraiser.

This means you will use brochures to take orders and payments from supporters before you actually order the coffee packs...

Therefore costing you nothing to run it!

A Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser will work very well for smaller groups like schools, churches, sports clubs/teams, booster clubs, and cheerleaders etc. It can also work for larger organizations.

So let's get caffeined up...

Coffee Fundraising:

Your success of a gourmet coffee fundraiser will simply depend on the amount of coffee packs that you sell!

I'd recommend that you also read the Coffee Fundraiser page for more quality advice on coffee fundraising, but below are some tips on how to maximize your Gourmet Coffee Fundraising profits.

The bottom line is you've got to drive this fundraiser through sales (orders) and effective promoting!

You Will Need A Sales Team...

Find volunteers amongst your members, best supporters, youth group, or school kids. If you are a school you may want to use all your kids to take orders and/or sell.

It is extremely important that you equip and teach your sales team with some basic sales knowledge and techniques. This will help boost your sales by a huge amount!

Also give them a basic sales pitch guideline to use. Use the trigger words "help" and "because" in that pitch!

The Brilliant Gourmet Coffee Fundraising Idea! (Photo by DavidD / Flickr)

Another great way to boost your sales is to provide some sales incentive prizes for high amounts of sales or best sellers etc.

It will help motivate and encourage your sales team to really get out there and get as many orders as they possibly can.

Then - Effectively Promote...

The point of promoting a sales fundraiser is to help increase awareness for the fundraiser. You simply want to make as many people aware about it!

Often people need a few exposures to something before they take action... So if they read one of your promotions and then the next week are approached by one of your sales team, there's a better chance of them ordering.

So launch your fundraiser...

Have a training launch for your sales team and at the same time get your promotions going.

Announce and continually promote your Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser through your website, your newsletters, Facebook page, Twitter account, and any other online media you may use. Encourage all your members and supporters to spread the word online as well!

Send out a Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser awareness letter to all your members and supporters.

And make announcements at all gatherings or meetings. For example, at school assemblies, or at Church congregation.

Also promote and sell your coffee packs at all your events and at other events!

Read here for more great ideas on promoting your gourmet coffee fundraiser.

A Book To Read...

For more advice on all of the above (sales and promoting) I'd highly recommend that you read Jack Atwell's eBook 'Let's Raise Money'. Read my review to find out more about his excellent book!

Fundraising Coffee Supplier:

Obviously you will need to source your coffee from somewhere to be able to run this food fundraiser, and you will have many options to choose from!

You could quite easily look locally and find a quality Gourmet Coffee supplier... or you could look to use an actual fundraising company that supplies coffee as a fundraiser.

Quality Food Fundraising through Gourmet Coffee! (Photo by Sander Van Der Waal / Flickr)

Easy Fundraising Ideas is a great option for American fundraisers. Their Gourmet Coffee Fundraising program is excellent!

Companies like these are always good fits as their fundraisers are setup for you to get the most profit and raise the most amount of funds as possible!

To look for a local Gourmet Coffee supplier in your area just use the Google Search below...

Also grab this free fundraising product guide to see what other fundraising product options you have!

Finishing Off:

The most important thing with this food fundraising idea is to drive the sales!

Yes you need to make sure that you have good quality Gourmet Coffee to keep your supporters happy...

But to hold a successful Gourmet Coffee Fundraiser, you need to sell as many coffee packs as possible. The more you sell (or the more orders taken), the more funds you will raise.

Good luck!

Ready To Get Started?

Then head over to EFI's Coffee Fundraising program and sign up! Or do a search up above for a Coffee Supplier in your country.

And if you haven't already... Setup your FREE online Donation / Fundraising page here.

Other Quality Food Fundraisers:

Beef Jerky (Biltong) Fundraising

Gourmet Lollipops

Food Taste Event & Dinner

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