Sometimes, time is of the essence when fundraising, and you need to get going fast.
So here are 5 Fundraising ideas to get you going quickly...
Quick Links: 1. The 50/50 Raffle | 2. Online Fundraising Stores | 3. Crowdfunding | 4. Penny Drive | 5. Taking to the Streets
No prizes needed, just sell tickets and the winner gets 50% of the funds raised.
Simple and fast to put together.
Get 50/50 Raffle Tickets here.
Clearly anything online can be done quickly. No need to buy products or store them.
Simply promote the fundraiser and direct people to your online store to order and fundraise.
It's quick to setup, easy to promote online, and simple for supporters to donate.
THE PROBLEM WITH THIS FUNDRAISER IS THOUGH: That people think they can just throw up a page, share on Facebook, and they will get donations.
Unfortunately it doesn't work like that. YOU have to drive the fundraiser and contact people directly to get them to: 1. Donate - and - 2. Share the fundraiser further.
Although this is an online fundraiser, the best way of getting donations and driving it, is by PHONING people. Yes get on the phone, and speak to people directly!
Read these articles to get started:
And SETUP your Crowdfunding Campaign here.
Also Note: (As I've pointed out with the last idea) That many fundraisers can be used as add-on's to a crowdfunding campaign! Including the following 2 ideas...
Perfect for organizations with many members (like a school).
Split your members/volunteers into teams who will compete against each other.
Then during a set time (1 week / 2 weeks, etc.), have them reach out to their network and collect as many coins as possible.
To make this really successful you should have prizes for the teams to win. This will incentivize them to ask as many people as possible to empty their wallets of coins!
This idea doesn't necessarily have to be done on the streets as my friend did.
You could do it outside a store or shopping center (with the correct permission of course).
But as a quick fundraiser goes this idea will put coins into the pocket fast.
Find out more about this unique idea here.
(It is also an idea that can be done as an ADD-ON to a Crowdfunding Campaign.)
And those are your 5 fundraising ideas to use for raising funds quickly!
For more unique ideas go here.
I wish you all the best of luck with your fundraising.
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