Charity Fundraising

Charity Fundraising can be a complex beast to handle, especially when you need to raise huge funds.

Obviously one of your most important steps will be to decide on the best and most suitable Fundraising Ideas for your Nonprofit...

But there are some other really important ongoing aspects to your Nonprofit that will hugely affect your fundraising.

You need to carefully consider these aspects and implement them effectively to make your fundraising efforts successful.

Also make sure that you are consistently making the Slight Edge work towards your fundraising success. Don't know what the Slight Edge is?  Read about it here and learn how to apply it to your fundraising!

Charity Fundraising - Boost your fundraising through equipping your Board Members, marketing your cause, and using your fundraising committee effeciently... (Photo courtesy of Knit-a-square)

Let's take a look...

Equipping Board Members:

Your charities board members will be a key part to your fundraising success - especially when it comes to finding new donors and sponsors.

Your board members should be equipped with the knowledge of how to acquire new donors, find sponsors, and develop relationships with those donors and potential donors.

I have a couple of suggestions for equipping and training your board members...

Firstly all of them should be subscribed to the FREE Movie Mondays: Charity Fundraising Training Videos. It's an email and video that I thoroughly look forward to each Monday.

Here's some of their best videos on training Board Members...

Then there's the Free & Paid for Webinars from Charity How To. Highly educational and  run by a group of the best fundraising professionals.

A Book...

...that all your Board Members should have a copy of is Pamela Grow's FREE Nonprofit Storytelling Field Guide & Journal.

Storytelling is the heart of Charity fundraising and is something your board members should know how to do!

Take the time to equip your Board Members and you will be far more successful with your fundraising.

Fundraising Committee:

A Fundraising Committee is ultimately what will bring your fundraising ideas to fruition and success.

Setting up a skilled committee that is structured well will hugely increase your fundraising capabilities.

Charity Fundraising - Boost your fundraising through equipping your Board Members, marketing your cause, and using your fundraising committee efficiently... (Photo by Dean Shareski / Flickr)

Obviously each of the departments that I list below can also be combined for one person to handle depending on the size of your charity or fundraising event.

A Committee will generally consist of...

  • A Chairperson
  • Secretary / Minute Taker
  • Finance Person
  • PR / Promoting / Marketing Person
  • Website & Social Media Support
  • Event & Tickets Sales
  • Sponsorships
  • Logistics
  • Food & Beverages
  • Entertainments & Activities Coordinator
  • Volunteer Recruiter & Coordinator
  • Auction & Raffle Coordinator
  • VIP guest Coordinator
  • Awards & Prize Coordinator

Choose your committee carefully and place people with the correct characteristics and skills in the right departments!

A Clear Plan:

Obviously having a clear plan and strategy for your fundraising is really important. But remember that the plan you start with will not necessarily be the plan you end with.

Use the experience and knowledge you gain as you go along to refine and better your strategies.

But to start with, sit down with your Board Members and/or fundraising committee, and brainstorm your plan of action for moving your fundraising campaign forward.

Marketing & Relationships:

Your Charity should also be continuously promoting your cause and building relationships through multiple mediums...

  • An Organization Website.
  • Newsletters. Online & Offline.
  • Social Media... Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google +, Instagram, etc.
  • Public Relations with local, national, and/or international media, depending on the scale of your Charity.
  • Direct contact with donors. Phone and Face-to-Face.
  • And with Fundraising Ideas that promote your cause. Like Apparel Fundraising, Charity Bracelets, Buttons, and major Events.

A recommended blog to follow for great info on this is Katya Andresen's Nonprofit Marketing Blog. Her brilliant book Robin Hood Marketing is also well-known across the Nonprofit world and a recommended read.

Charity Fundraising Ideas:

Your next step will be deciding on which fundraising ideas will work best for your charity.

Develop a good mix of fundraisers that will complement each other and produce sustainability to your funding needs.

Head over to the Charity Fundraising Ideas page to look through some recommended ideas!

Other Charity Articles:

Slight Edge Fundraising

Donation Boxes

Charity Quotes

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