Fundraising Buttons & Pins - Raise Funds & Awareness

Fundraising Buttons & Pins are brilliant apparel items that will raise awareness for your cause and bring in much needed funds! (Photo by Williami5 / Flickr)

Fundraising Buttons are a cool and simple way of raising funds and awareness!

All you do is design a logo for your buttons - Have them made - And sell them to your members, supporters, friends and family for a small fee.

You will then raise awareness for your cause or organization whenever someone wears one of your charity buttons!

So will people really buy and wear the buttons?

In most cases YES, but it totally depends on your supporters, who they are, and what age groups they are?

If you are unsure if this fundraiser idea would work with your supporters I'd suggest you ask them.

Conduct a poll and get some feedback from your supporters as to whether this fundraiser would be worthwhile holding!

Let's do it...

Creating The Fundraising Buttons:

Obviously you will need to find a manufacturing company that will make your fundraising buttons.

There are quite a few companies online that make Buttons and a simple Google Search below will find you some to review...

You need to make sure that the company will provide the buttons to you at a good price. You must still be able to mark them up to a good profit margin, without making them too expensive for your supporters.

Your next step will be to...

Design a Logo to go on the Buttons...

Be creative with your logo design and use something that will stick out and catch people's attention! Also make it something that people will be proud to wear!

I would suggest that you have contact details on the buttons like a contact number and/or website address... Which will all help with raising quality awareness.

Order Them...

Once you have designed your fundraising buttons you will send your order off for them to be made and delivered.

You can of course always do it the other way around and take orders and payment first - and then send order the buttons from the manufacturing company.

But it's totally up to you.

Selling Your Buttons:

Your next step will be to sell the fundraising buttons to your supporters.

This is sometimes the most difficult part of any product fundraiser, but if you prepare and promote properly you can make your fundraiser extremely successful!

I would highly recommend that you take the time to read Jack Atwell's fundraising eBook. He teaches about fundraising launches, effective sales techniques, and effective promoting of your fundraisers.

His invaluable advice will help you get the most out of your fundraising sales and promotions!

Your First Step Will be Promoting...

Start raising good awareness about the buttons through word of mouth. Try to ensure that all your supporters know about them, and know how to obtain them.

Set up a method for them to order the buttons off your website. Then promote them all around your site.

Are you using awareness buttons and badges in your fundraising campaign. Just like Bracelets they provide a fantastic fundraising product that also raises awareness! (Photo by Riclaf / Flickr)

You could also look to sell your fundraising buttons off eBay or through your online fundraising auctions.

Then promote the fundraiser buttons on your Facebook page, through Tweets on Twitter, and through all your newsletters.

You should also look to use flyers and posters!

For more great promotion ideas look here.

And Lastly Use A Sales Team...

This is extremely important and a properly prepared sales team will make all the difference to the success of any fundraiser.

If you are a school you have the best sales members at your fingertips... The kids.

Use Jack Atwell's fundraising launches, sales pitch guidelines, and incentive ideas to get the kid's super excited and to boost your fundraising sales and profits!

A GREAT Button Twist:

A twist you could use with your fundraising buttons is to sell customized button vouchers where supporters can have a personal photo taken to be placed on a button.

On each button you will have the words "I support (Your Organization)" over the photo.

Some people like having buttons with their own photos on them and if your supporters are like that, then this twist is definitely worth considering.

Some Other Button Uses:

Fundraiser Buttons can also be used as part of other fundraisers as rewards...

For example you can use them as rewards for donations on your Online Donations Fundraiser, also known as Crowdfunding.

Or because SSA does not have buttons as part of their Apparel range you can use them as an extra addition to your online Apparel Fundraiser through SSA.

Ready to Start Fundraising?

Then setup your FREE Online Fundraising page, and start receiving donations today.

Simple Fundraiser Ideas:

Custom Discount Cards

Wrapping Paper & Gift Wrap

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