Fundraising Cards

There are many different types of Fundraising Cards that can be used and some will be more profitable than others for your cause!

And that is the key:

All causes are different and will have different supporters with different wants and needs...

And so, you need to think carefully about which type of cards will work best for your cause.

Fundraiser cards are generally a good fundraising idea for most causes! They work specifically well though for Schools, Churches, Bands, Cheerleaders and other such small nonprofits.

The purpose of this page is to showcase the different cards available, and to give you some guidance on how to get started with your card fundraising!

So without any further ado, let's look at the different types of Fundraising Cards...

Fundraising Card Types:

Quick Links...

Discount Cards | Scratch Cards | Scrip or Gift Cards | Supporter Cards

Discount Fundraising Cards:

These discount cards are what I call the WIN-WIN-WIN fundraiser!

You win by raising funds, the merchants win with new customers, and so do your supporters through the discounts they get!

It's a brilliant fundraising method!

What you do is sell discount cards for popular retailers to your members, supporters and the public.

Some Types of Discount Cards are...

To find out more about fundraising with Discount Cards read here. It's an article with tips on setting up and promoting your fundraiser effectively!

OR to start a Discount Card Fundraiser now head over to GA Fundraising and get going.

Scratch Cards from GA Fundraising are a really fun, creative and rewarding  way of acquiring donations!

Scratch Cards:

Scratch Cards are one of the most brilliant ways of acquiring donations from supporters and the public.

It's fun, creative and rewards your donors through FREE coupon (discount) booklets.

How does it work?

Each member in your fundraising team receives at least one Scratch Card with either 30 or 60 scratch dots on them.

Each of those dots has a Dollar value hidden under waiting to be revealed through scratching.

Each card raises $100.

Your team then approaches people (explaining how the fundraiser works) and gets them to scratch a dot from the card. The value that is then revealed from under that dot is the amount that the participant has to donate to your cause.

In thanks for their donation, they then receive a FREE coupon booklet.

Very simple right!

Getting Started...

Read through this Scratch Card Fundraiser article for some tips on how to make it a successful donations fundraiser...

And then get your Scratch Cards here to get started!

Scrip & Gift Card Fundraising:

This is another highly successful form of card fundraising.

All you do is sell Gift Cards and vouchers for popular retailers to members, supporters, and the public.

It's a fundraising idea that is raising huge funds for many nonprofits, in particular for Schools!

Find out more about Scrip Fundraising here...

And for some Scrip Fundraiser success tips read here.

Supporter Cards:

Very similar to Scrip Fundraising, supporter cards are used by supporters at popular retailers in support of your cause.

Essentially instead of them buying Scrip Cards, they will register for a shopping card that when used donates a certain percentage of the purchase to a selected charity or nonprofit!

What your nonprofit needs to do is register as one of the beneficiaries, and get all your supporters to use those cards in support of you when they shop.

It's a great idea that MySchool in South Africa has modeled exceptionally well.

Use a Google Search below to see if you can find any fundraising cards like this in your country...


GA Fundraising
My recommended Discount Card and Scratch Card supplier. Grab their FREE information kit and guide!

Another recommended supplier of Fundraising Cards.

Great Lakes
Well known Scrip Fundraising Broker/Centre.

The Almanac of Ideas
This fundraising ideas book is the most comprehensive ideas book that I have ever read. It's a highly recommended resource and reference for quality fundraising ideas.

The Fundraiser Buzz Newsletter
Rewarding Fundraising Ideas' highly informative newsletter with new ideas, tips and techniques. Subscribe below....

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