Fast Fundraising Ideas -
Quick & Simple

Fast Fundraising Ideas - Just like a Sprinter! (Photo by Adam Kerfoot-Roberts / Flickr)

Looking for some fast fundraising ideas? Well these fast fundraisers are ideas that you can setup quickly and get going!

They are reasonably hassle-free and simple to do!

But, you still have to do them properly and effectively to make successful!

Remember that nothing comes from nothing, and even though they may be simple to do, they aren't necessarily 'easy'...

What I mean by that is that it will still take work for them to succeed. Even though they are quick to do!

Fast Fundraising Ideas:

Let's take a look at these Fast Fundraisers...

Online Donations - Crowdfunding:

This is my most recommended and probably the quickest of these fast fundraising ideas to set up.

All you will do is set up a fundraising donations page on a recommended Crowdfunding website. Then get all your members, supporters, past donors, and potential supporters to go to that page and donate...

OR if it's for a personal cause, get your family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues and anyone you can connect with, to go to your crowdfunding page and donate to your cause!

Fast Fundraising Though Crowdfunding! Learn how... (Photo by Mrs Gemstone / Flickr)

The page is fast to set up, and it's quick and easy to get the word out fast and wide to all your supporters and potential supporters. But it does still take work and effort to do that.

Make sure you read all the advice on the Online Donations pages so that you get the most out this excellent fundraiser.

Essentially making sure you don't waste the small amount of time it takes you to set this fast fundraiser up by not reading that advice and doing it properly.

Once you've read both online donation pages you can set your fundraising donations page up for FREE here.

Another Crowdfunding option is to use a Supporter Wall on your website or blog.

Discount Fundraiser Cards:

This is a fast fundraiser to set up, if you do it through a fundraising company that already has a fundraiser card program.

Go onto their site, specify the discount cards that you want, order them, and then sell them on to your supporters.

GA Fundraising has some excellent discount fundraising card programs that you should look into. I highly recommend them for American fundraising causes.

For non-USA fundraising causes you can use a Google search below to find a discount fundraiser card company near you...

This fast fundraising idea is a WIN-WIN-WIN fundraiser. You win, your supporters win, and the businesses win! Read the Discount Fundraiser Cards page to find out more.

Some other types of cards you can consider are Pizza Fundraising Cards and Dinner & Movie Fundraiser Cards.


Raffles can be really simple and quick to set up and they are almost always successful.

Find some great prizes, print tickets, and get selling!

A really great way to do a raffle fundraiser fast is to run a fifty/fifty raffle. This way you don't have to find prizes... All you do is split the raised funds from the tickets sales between the winner and your cause fifty/fifty.

Really simple, really fast!

Go here for more raffle fundraiser ideas.

Fast Fundraising Ideas - Lollipops (Photo Andrea - Assassin De La Police off Flickr)


This is another fundraising product that is not one of the fast fundraising ideas because of the speed you can set it up in, but rather because of how quickly you can sell the lollipops!

They are essentially a quick sell fundraising product.

They're cheap and they are very popular!

GA Fundraising once again has an excellent Lollipop fundraising program with a wide range of Lollipops to select from.

Go here to find out more or grab their free fundraising information kit to see if they have any other fundraisers that would suit your cause!

If you are from the UK, Australia, South Africa, or any other country, other than the USA, you can use that Google search block further up to find a lollipop supplier in your country!

Learn more about running a successful Lollipop fundraiser.

Taking To The Streets -
Another Donation Fundraiser:

This unique fundraising idea was used by a close friend of mine to raise funds for his film project and in one day he was able to raise all the funds he needed!

It's a fast fundraising idea that will work well in conjunction with an Online Donations Fundraiser and I would recommend that you run them together!

To find out how to do this free fundraiser go here...

Finishing The Fast Fundraisers:

I want you to please remember that even though these fast fundraising ideas are quick to set up and run, they still take work and effort to run successfully!

So take the time to read all the advice on your chosen fast fundraiser, to make sure that you do it properly.

An excellent resource that I would recommend you read and that will help particularly with the sales fundraisers is the eBook, Let's Raise Money by Jack Atwell...

It has excellent advice on fundraising sales, as well as many other fundraising factors and ideas. Read my fundraising eBook review of it here!

And please return to tell your fundraising success story of these successful and fast fundraising ideas.

Recommended Unique Fundraising Ideas:

Brick Fundraising

Unique Fundraising Idea - A Content Website

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