Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas

Although most Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas are generally product sales based fundraisers, there are still loads of other great ideas that can be used.

And you'll find the best of both on this page.

Just always remember to consider the safety of your scouts when deciding and planning your fundraisers.

And take your time to organize and prepare your fundraisers properly to make them most effective and successful.

Let's take a look at some of the best fundraising ideas for Cub Scouts...

Fundraising Ideas for Cub Scouts:

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Sponsorship Ideas | Products | Other Options

The best Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas. (Photo by Official U.S. Navy Page / Flickr)

Sponsorship ideas:

Setup a donation page on a Crowdfunding site like this one that I recommend. Then get supporters etc. to sponsor your Cub Scouts for the challenge that they do.

Or purchase a Pledge Event Website from DoJiggy, where each of your participants can then have a dedicated fundraising page to individually raise funds for your event and cause!

Here are some sponsorship ideas you can use...

Be creative with this and find an idea that will really suite your Cub Scouts and catch the attention of your potential supporters!

Product Sales Ideas:

When deciding on what product/s to use always consider who your scouts target market will be and what they would be inclined to buy.

I would also suggest that you have at least one other option available for someone to buy. If they are not interested in your first offer (ex.Cookie Dough), they may be interested in your additional offer (ex. Lollipops).

Here are some options to use...

These are definitely some of the best products for your Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas, but always remember that the success of your fundraiser will depend on how well you plan and execute it.

Other Options:

The best Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas! Read more!  (Photo by Michael Witzel / Flickr)

Here are some Fundraising Ideas for Cub Scouts that don't quite fit into the above sections but that you definitely should consider...

Finishing Off:

To help you have the most successful Cub Scout Fundraisers I'd recommend you read the successful Fundraiser page to find out what makes a fundraiser a success...

You should also read the promoting a fundraiser page to get some great ideas to promote your fundraisers.

I hope these Cub Scout Fundraising Ideas bring you great success with your Scout Fundraising Campaigns!

Ready to Start Fundraising?

Then setup your FREE Online Fundraising page, and start receiving donations today.

Other Causes:

Relay for Life

Cheerleader Fundraising

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