Find some Free Fundraising Ideas here that will make you smile.... (Photo by Romain Guy / Flickr)

Free Fundraising Ideas

Free fundraising ideas are fundraisers that are simply free to set up and run.

Which means you will make 100% profit from them!

But just because they are free doesn't mean that there is not much profit to be made... In fact these fundraisers can be extremely profitable and rewarding!

There are of course some cheap fundraising ideas that you could use, but we will be specifically looking at free fundraisers here.

These ideas can be used by almost any type of group, including schools, churches, bands, non-profits, and clubs... They can also be used for personal fundraisers!

Let's take a look...

Free Fundraisers:

Quick Links...

Online Crowdfunding | T Shirt Crowdfunding | Online Magazine Fundraisers | Online Apparel | Brochures | Taking To The Streets | Fundraising Toolbar | Gift Baskets

Starting with one of the quickest growing and most popular fundraising ideas of the 21st century...

Online Donations Fundraiser - Crowdfunding:

My most highly recommended free fundraiser!

Simply get friends, family, colleagues, donors, and potential supporters to donate small amounts (or large amounts) to your cause online.

The online donations fundraiser is easy to set up for FREE here or on any other Crowdfunding site, and doesn't involve any products or other such hassles...

But it does take the right setting up and work to be successful so please ensure that you read all 3 of the Online Donations pages to get the most out of this brilliant fundraiser!

Another great option for Crowdfunding is to use a Supporter Wall on your fundraising website or blog. It's pretty simple to set up!

You will need a free PayPal account though for your wall to work.

T Shirt Crowdfunding:

This idea is simply a great twist on the idea above and is once again FREE to setup!

It works exactly the same as the above idea, but instead of people only giving donations they actually give a set donation and receive a customized "Cause" T Shirt in return.

You simply...

  1. Setup your FREE Crowdfunding page here.
  2. Design your custom "cause" T Shirts.
  3. Set a T Shirt price.
  4. Set a Fundraising Goal.
  5. Then launch and promote, promote, PROMOTE!!!
  6. You then receive donations raised without having to take payments, print T Shirts, or ship them - That is all handled by the platform!

It's a hassle-free T Shirt Fundraiser.

Online Magazine Fundraisers:

This is one of the best free fundraising ideas. It's so simple to set up online and is of course free to do! It can also be run continuously!

Most people subscribe to magazines and with the right promoting and advertising you can make this fundraiser amazingly profitable.

All you have to do is drive people to your magazine subscription site and get them to subscribe to their favourite magazines there! You then receive 40% of every subscription.

You should promote it online through your website or blog, your Facebook page, through tweets on twitter, Google +, and all your newsletters.

Get your members on board and get them to spread the word further; with the right momentum online you can make this fundraiser go viral!

Then I would also suggest that you promote it offline face-to-face with people, explaining how the fundraiser works and handing over a flyer with details about it and how they can get to your subscription webpage!

For more information on these magazine fundraisers read here...

Online Apparel Fundraising:

This is a perfect free fundraising idea for Schools, Churches, Sports Clubs and similar groups.

In fact I'd recommend that all such groups use it!

All you do is sell your groups customized apparel through an online store setup through SSA.

It's free to setup and it's free to run!

It's also easy for your supporters to order your Apparel and it'll get delivered to their doorsteps without you having any hassle!

The Online Apparel Fundraiser will not only raise you funds but it will also help you raise awareness for your group or cause. It's a fantastic fundraising idea!

Brochure Fundraising:

Brochure fundraisers are an excellent free fundraising idea. Here's how they work...

  1. You get brochures sent to you for free from a fundraising company. (Obviously for the type of brochure fundraiser you want to run.)
  2. You then get people to order what they want from the brochures, which they pay for upon ordering.
  3. You then collect all the orders and send them to the fundraising company with the amount that you owe them.
  4. The products are then sent to you and you dish them out to your supporters and customers.
  5. And it doesn't cost you a cent, as you only pay the fundraising company their share once you've taken orders and payment!

It's such a brilliant way of fundraising!

There are loads of different brochure fundraisers that you could use... like Cookie Dough, Candles, Magnetic Fridge Frames, Fundraising With Popcorn, Crafty Cooking Kits, Flower Bulbs, Coffee, Offline Magazine Fundraising, and Frozen Pretzels.

Take a look at the excellent Brochure fundraising programs GA Fundraising offers and grab their free info kit to see what different options you have. (USA & Canada Only)

Fundraising through Brochures is a great way of holding a FREE fundraiser as it costs you nothing to run the fundraiser. Learn more about Free Fundraising Ideas here... (Photo by Nick Ares / Flickr)

You can use a Google search below to find a Brochure fundraising company in your area or country...

Taking To The Streets -
A Donations Fundraiser:

This is a very unique and creative free fundraising idea which a friend of mine did, and which worked extremely well.

It can be used for a personal fundraiser or for an organization fundraiser. And can also be done alone or with a group of you.

What you do is dress up in something that stands out (my friend wore flippers and a Russian winter hat; it was summer in South Africa).

Taking To The Streets For Donations - A novel yet rewarding Free Fundraising Idea! This is my friend, Bruce Grobler, who successfully raised twice the amount he needed for his short film from one day of this and the awareness that it created thereafter.

Then have a sign which briefly describes what you are fundraising for that hangs around your neck.

Once you're ready, take out to the streets and ask for donations from anyone and everyone.

Be friendly, happy and excited. Ask for small amounts, large amount, or any amounts!

It will also be great publicity if you get the local newspaper involved. Get them to take a picture and to write an article about your fundraiser and its cause!

It seems very novel but you will be amazed at how profitable this free fundraiser can be in a single day.

It's also a fundraiser that will work well in conjunction with an Online Donations Fundraiser.

Read more about the Free Fundraising Ideas of Taking To The Street For Donations here.

Fundraising Toolbar:

A brilliantly simple way of fundraising while staying connected with your supporters.

Build a free customized toolbar for your organization that you can send out to all of your supporters to download and use on their browsers.

They will then have quick links to your web pages and you can post updates that pop up on that toolbar for all your supporters to see!

Talk about staying connected easily.

What's more is that at any time they do a search through the search block on your toolbar, and click on a sponsored result you will receive $0.10 per click.

Not a lot I know, but if you get loads of your supporters using your toolbar those clicks can start adding up rather quickly... And anyway, any contribution to your bottom line helps!

I would suggest you have a way for people to download your toolbar from your website, with links to that page all over your site and on your Facebook page etc.

Read more about this easy fundraising idea.

Gift Basket Fundraiser:

A gift basket fundraiser will usually cost you money; but if you are a school or an organization with loads of members, then there is a way that you can do it that costs you nothing!

If you are not a school then please just customize the following advice to your group...

Each class will be responsible for making a gift basket. Each child, with their parents help, will be responsible for contributing a gift to that basket within the theme of that class's basket.

Now you've got your baskets done for free and all you need to do is raffle or auction them off.

Personally I love raffles, but a silent auction can also work amazingly well!

Closing The Free Fundraising Ideas:

Even though these free fundraising ideas will bring back 100% profits as there are no costs, you will still need to run them effectively to maximize those profits!

So make sure you take the time to read How To Organize A Fundraiser and that you also follow all the correct steps when planning and promoting your free fundraising ideas!

These free fundraising ideas provide a way for you to receive those much needed funds without having to spend capitol in the beginning. They are also very profitable and rewarding!

So make sure that you do them properly and don’t waste your time! Good Luck!

Unique Fundraising Ideas:

Dueling Pianos Fundraiser

Good Fundraising Ideas

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